Wednesday 19 June 2013


                           In the next 13 1/2 minutes You're Going to discover...
"How You Can Double or Triple The Traffic To Your Website and Attract A Never Ending Stream of  Cash Paying Customers Without Ever Having to Lift a Single Finger!"

"PLUS You Will Learn How You Can OUTSOURCE 100% of the Nitty Gritty Traffic-Getting Work
For Only Pennies on the Dollar"

More Targeted Traffic = More Leads = More $$$$

From Terry Wygal,
Let me ask you this - Are you sick and tired of throwing money at your marketing budget and getting Nothing in return?
Does the idea of writing another check for $1,000's of dollars to your local newspaper, Yellow Pages or Direct mail pack for a 3 Line Ad and No Calls send a shiver up your spine?
Have you tried Pay Per Click and found your bank account drained because of the competition AND complications?
Are you exhausted from hearing the No's from Cold Calling and Door Knocking?
Chances are you're angry, frustrated and confused...and I'll bet you about ready to throw in the towel. Am I right?

It's OK.
That's actually a GOOD thing! In fact, your probably better off that you went through that pain - you will enjoy NOT writing those checks and actually getting Laser Focused Leads pouring into your office so much more!  
Imagine actually waking up and then being able to Pick and Choose what deals you want to work that day rather than listening to the dead silence on your in-box you are facing right now.
Look - It's not your fault. I mean, how could you possibly know? I was in your same shoes and luckily I ignored the sage old advice from my Grandfather who told me, "Terry, that Internet crap won't ever amount to nothing. Just keep doing what everyone else is dong." 
So what did I do?
Simple - I learned how to tap into the endless stream of sellers and buyers looking for a Solution on the internet.  
And let's be very clear here - I didnt' have a lot of money so I wanted to learn how to generate FREE Leads, Using FREE Tools and I didn't want to get them from some real estate lead factory that I shared with 2,000 other investors.
So, Here's what I did - I created an Internet Traffic System that generates an Automated, Steady Stream of leads from people begging for help, pleading for a solution and buyers looking to throw their cash into my bank account.  And here's the best part...
You can do the exact same thing!

HowTo Dominate The First Page of Google

Your website will literally explode with leads as soon as you claim your rightful place.
And what's even better... If you follow the simple program I suggest...
You can even have more than one place on the most valuable real estate on the planet. (It's like going into a crowded parking lot and parking your car sideways so no one scratches your Ferrari!)
But first, let me address some of the questions you should be asking:
Are The Techniques I'm About To Share With You Legal?
That's a very important question to address right away and I need to get this off my chest before I explode.
There are illegal tricks call "black hat Search Engine Optimization" that will get you on the the first page of Google very quickly but...
Don't get too comfortable there. And don't start counting the money you're going to make now either.
Because Google's going to seriously whip your butt.
WARNING: If you use any techniques that Google decides are dishonest, they can remove your site from the Google index. Your website (and your business) gets to roll over and play dead. Don't even think about using these techniques.
So before you invest a dime in trying to get your website to rank on the first page of Google, be careful you don't lose your whole business in the process.

Are The Techniques I'm About To Share Expensive?

That's an important questions to ask when discussing getting on the the first place of Google. Let me caution you, there are numerous scams out there.
* There are firms that prey on people who are not knowledgeable. They'll buy an ad at the top of a Google page and then brag they got them the top listing in Google.
* There are scammers that have you download special software that shows your website as the top listing for the keywords you have chosen. Your prospects don't see you at the top of the search, however, because they don't have this software installed.
* There are firms that are outrageously expensive. They charge as much as $10,000 to $15,000 to set up your account and $10,000 a month to maintain it. It's a wonder the FBI doesn't consider that extortion.
You will be glad to know the techniques I'm going to guide you through (or even do for you) are no where near those rates.
How Long Does It Take To Get On The Front Page of Google?
There are some techniques that can work as quickly as overnight. There are even techniques which can work in a few hours. But for more durable and enduring results, allow a few days or weeks. That's how long I tell most folks it will take (if you follow the game plan I'll layout for you shortly.)

Do I Have To Be A Geek To Get On The Front Page of Google?

The answer is a definite "No!"
This program is designed for real estate investors not programmers. You don't need to know how to create Flash websites, code in HTML, PHP, or use RSS feeds.
If you can turn on your computer and use a word processor, you can get on the front page of Google.

Why Don't We Just Buy A Pay Per Click Ad And Get There Instantly?

For those who aren't aware, the revenue Google is socking away every day comes from advertising. Google makes millions of dollars every day from running small ads on numerous websites as well as its own page.
The problem is repeated tests have shown consumers know the difference between paid advertisements and natural organic search listings.
In every single study, consumers reported they had higher levels of trust for the natural organic search listings.
Furthermore, when you buy paid advertisements, you are running two major risks:
People don't want to talk about this but there is massive click fraud going on. People have designed special software that secretly clicks on your ads costing you money. Even though Google and Yahoo have denied this has taken place, they have already lost a court battle about this practice.
Have you ever checked what the costs of clicks are in competitive markets? Holy Smokes Batman!
Every time someone clicks on one of your ads (even if they are just a "Looky Lou" or a tire kicker) you may have to pay big bucks. If you have a spare budget of from several hundred to several thousand a day, you may want to explore this further. (Or, you could just cut up your money in small bills and flush it away - same difference.)
So when I recommend natural organic search it's because of some very important reasons:
1. It works. This is where your customers are looking for you. It's the number one place they'll go if they have a foreclosure problem or if they want to buy a home. No matter what their need is, the front page of Google is where they are going to turn.
2. You will save a fortune over Pay Per Click costs and be able to use that money for other more cost effective marketing strategies.
So here's the shortcut for you to...
Claim Your Spot On The Front Page of Google
FREE 100% visit online marketing seo 2013

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